Happy Holidays!
Millie had a pretty uneventful Christmas due to the fact that she is barely 4 months old and unless you have lights attached to you she doesn't really pay attention to you. If you were a star that plays music and lights up then she would love you. We had brunch at our house then headed to Greg and Amber's (Gramber) for dinner. I was exhausted by the end of it but not Millie she stayed up the entire day and would not take a nap, she was like a little baby zombie by the end of it. Millie now enjoys talking to herself very much and we know she is awake in the morning when we hear her having a conversation with her mobile, it is very cute.
We head to the doctor next week so I will have updates on her weight and length. I forgot the camera on Christmas so there aren't any pictures in her Holiday outfit glory but I am trying to get the family to send me the ones they took so I can post them later.