Thursday, December 17, 2009

Millie in her Snuggie
Cute Santas

Millie and Oola
Millie in her toy basket

So it's been a little bit since the last post. I had one all ready to go about Millie not walking and how annoying it was that everyone asked me about it and then the squirt went and walked so it was a bust. So yes Millie is full on zombie walking, sometimes with her hands in the air like we are up in da' club or something. She now is able to grab things off of the tables and pretty much everywhere else which means my "treasures" are all up high and I'm out of room for anything else until she learns and listens to my pleas of no.

We've decorated for Christmas which means the tree is in our front room that we are never in with a gate around it so Millie can't eat/destroy any ornaments and the dogs can't pee on it. I have all my creepy Santas in the living room and Millie points at them when I ask her where is Santy? We also have a big plastic Santa on top of our carport that Millie likes to point at and go "ohhh." Not to fear our annual Christmas card will be mailed out soon but I fear we can't top last years baby jeebuz card so you all will have to deal.
I have been busy crafting it up making Millie a Snuggie, felting wool skirts and sweaters to make wreaths and trees and hemming curtains.
I am working on starting another blog entitled "My Creepy Friends" and actually keeping this one up to date... Wish me luck.
Also Millie had her picture taken with Santa and she hated it. She cried as soon as I put her in his lap. It was funny.


amy said...

oh man you're felting?! i think we should have a crafting club....

blair said...

I know we should I am in the crafting zone!!!

Katie said...

oh man, that picture of her with Oola is the cutest. She actually kinda looks like Oola in that picture. She looks like you in her snuggie (btw, you are a nerd for making that) and like Chip when she is in her toy basket. Cute lil family.