Sunday, February 17, 2008

Welcome to the interweb and my updates for those who give a shizz about my pregnancy and what not. We are at about 10 weeks and I am finally beginning to not feel so ill na na which is nice. I am however tired as hell which I thought would be ending by now but alas it is not, I sleep way too much and feel extremely lazy which sucks but i am going to sign up for the 10K that happens in April and walk it, I hope that motivates me somewhat. Ok so thats it for now, not very exciting I know but hey its only the size of a kidney bean so there is not much to tell other than my boobs hurt and I don't think you really care about that.


Anonymous said...

I am your first comment and I am going to encourage you to keep blogging b/c I need something to do while I'm at work. I care, Blair, I care.

blair said...

Well thanks hopefully i will have an update tomorrow with visuals and then send this out to everyone else...

Tiffani said...

OK I read the last one you posted first and the earliest one last... I'm backwards.
I'm excited to read about your pregnancy! It's super exciting!
(yes, I love children...and YES.. I want to have them myself)
So I can live vicariously through you and Laura right now!
So I can't wait to continue to read all about it!