Sunday, March 09, 2008

We are now at the 12 week 3 days mark and go back to the doctor's tomorrow. Chip does not like our doctor b/c he thinks she is all business which when it comes to my va jay jay and baby I guess I don't mind so much. Sure it would be nice if she was a bit more outgoing and friendly but then I might want to punch her like Kathie Lee Gifford. (I promise not to talk ad naseum about my child nor will I name them Cody or Cassidy.)

My biggest concern right now is how much weight I am going to gain and wonder if I am going to look like this

or like this

I am guessing more like the first photo since A) Like to eat and B)I am not rich.
All I know is I've been walking at least 2 miles everyday and lifting weights 2 to 3 times a week so at least I am doing something right?

I love my mom. I feel like that needed to be said for what I am about to show you. My dear, dear mother has been shopping til her hearts content which for her is a lot. The first item my mother purchased and showed me is a Christmas stocking, not just any stocking mind you this thing is seriously like 3 feet long and has a scary, sequined stork on it with a pink hat and to top it off it has legs. Here let me show you

This is how I feel about said stocking

She has also purchased a designer sweater featuring a cat. The only problem with the sweater is it is a 2 T (A size 2 in Toddler for those not in the know) and it is a girls sweater. No we do not yet know if we are having a boy or girl we won't know for 2 more months. The best part is that my mom insisted that it is unisex. It is not

Clearly a girl sweater. All I can hope is that she has gotten it out of her system until we know the sex.

Ok this is getting long and my back hurts stay tuned for the next update where i will tell you about Diamond Jim's scary plans for our baby (Think 1800's high chair and tiaras) and Katies disturbing information on baby boners.


Anonymous said...

Good job! Do you have a nickname for the baby yet...can't use Bean!

blair said...

I've been calling it the baby blob but that doesn't have the ring that Bean does. Sandy has been our joke name so that may be the closest thing we got.

AmyS said...

That first woman clearly was having more than one child. And eat up -- you don't get many other times in your life to eat multiple breakfasts at 7, 10 and 11:30.

Anonymous said...

you have to have a 60's nickname for the baby like Peebles and BamBam; Dennis the Mennis; Mr. Magoo; Elroy and Judy; Pugsley and Wednesday; etc.etc.

Tiffani said...

I love the Christmas stalking! Are you still going to be pregnant at Christmas? Hold on let me do the math.. (you can hear me punching my calculator)... WILL have had the baby by Christmas! ha ha
SO shouldn't the baby get his/her own stalking with his/her name on it??? I'm just sayin'
But I guess you can always embroider the baby’s name on it later? Just an observation.