Monday, May 04, 2009

Spring has sprung, which means Millie gets to wear cute dresses, bloomers and hats.
Also she has discovered her feet and she thinks they are delicious, she obviously hasn't encountered any toe jam yet. She is on her way to crawling as she keeps putting her hands down and squirming her legs but no actual movement yet, which is good b/c we are way behind on babyproofing. We needs to get on that. In monumental news I actually sewed something that doesn't suck... A taggie blanket for Millie after my mom lost the one we had on a walk. My mom is oblivious so she didn't notice when Millie "threw" it out of the stroller. Umm that baby can't throw things, my mom's dog Maggie (who rides in the stroller with Millie b/c she is an obese Chihuahua and doesn't like to walk) more than likely ate it. I will post pictures of the miracle taggies in a few days. They even look square, wonders never cease.

On a side note about my mom's dog, the thing is huge and it wheezes when it walks/waddles. When we tell her the dog is fat she says she has put it on a diet. "What kind of diet mom?" "I stopped giving her Puperroni." Nuff said. That dog is f'ed. *A glimpse of this dogs future

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Tracy Lin said...

yay for making taggies! i'm giving alex his tomorrow night!

blair said...

Millie loves hers already, and I made another one with monkeys on it...